这儿英语表达要简洁,所以我的建议是,直接用 everyone! goodmorning(看具体情况),everyone!Today,the title of my speechis " I'm proud ofthe most gloriouslabor ". boysandgirls,wearever...谢谢你,如果有时间能补充完整我一定给您最佳回答Goodmorning(根据情况), everyone!
Today,I will give a speech for you.The topic of my speech is “Labor is the mostglorious, I am proud of myself ”. Happiness is, we live in the beautifulcampus, bath in sunshine and rain, enjoy the high quality education every day.
Maybe you neverthought :trees and bushes , whoplanted ?Those madeour campus full ofvigour,the four seasons such as spring.