What's the meaning?
Please translate the following English into Chinese.
Are you in the North or Southern Hemispere?
Are you in daylight savings time?
Now lie the phone flat so that the top of the phone points towards the sun?
Thank you.
I don't know how to make the top of the phone points towards the sun
Where is the top of the phone points
The phone is Mobilephone
The third layer,What's your meaning?
but I still don't know how to make the top of the phone points towards the sun
人气:271 ℃ 时间:2020-01-29 22:21:49
这句话并非理解为"the top of the phone points" (电话的顶点)而是"the top of the phone”(电话的顶端)“points”(动词:指向) “towards" (介词,朝/向)the sunpoint在这里不是作为名词,而是作为动词.这句...
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