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Recently,there is a hot debeat about whether good relationships with other people is more important than studing hard in school.Some people hold the view that it is the most important to study hard in school,while others just stand the opposite point,From where I stand,I firmly give my vote to good relationships.I will give you some reasons to support my chice.
Voitire said:"All the splender in the world is not worth a good friend." When we in trouble,friends can get you out but books cannot.I will give you a example of myself.When I graduated from college,I could not find a job for three months because i did not have work experience.I really felt despair and upset in the dark days because I need money to rent a apartment and buy food.My friend Lily--we met in the college and have computer lesson together heared I was in trouble,and she recommanded me to her aunt,who is a manager in a famous program company.Her aunt had a interview with me and she finally decided to hire me.So I got my first job.You see,with a 3.8 grade point average and "top graduation award" of my college,I cannot find a job,but with a friend,I find my first job.I t is very clearly that relate well to people is much more important than studying hard in school.
In addition,if you just studu all the day,others will consider you as a nerd and will not make friend with you,because everybody konws that social activities arevery important.Max wass the top student in my class when I in high school,everyone admires him because he is such a diligent student and always got the highest grade in the exams.He do not,maybe do not need,have friends.He is still very hard-working in college,but sometimes he felt lonely because we always hang out with friends in the weekends.but he can only stay in the library.It made him upset.The worse thing is that he can not find a girlfriend because books are his girlfriend.After we graduating,Max's parents thought he should get married,but than they found Max got human communication disorders.So,if you just study hard but not make friends,you will feel lonely and upset.
From what have been mentioned above,we can easily draw a conclusion that relate well to people is more important than studying hard in school.
题目是For success in a future job,the ability to relate well to people is more important than studying hard in school.
人气:257 ℃ 时间:2020-07-03 10:58:26
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