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人气:336 ℃ 时间:2020-04-13 08:53:28
  The Beatles
  The Beatles were an English rock group from Liverpool whose members were John Lennon, Paul McCartney, George Harrison, and Ringo Starr. They are one of the most commercially successful and critically acclaimed bands in the history of popular music. In the United Kingdom, The Beatles released more than 40 different singles, albums, and EPs that reached number one. This commercial success was repeated in many other countries. The Beatles’ conquest of America early in 1964 launched the British Invasion, as a torrent of rock and roll bands from Britain overtook the pop charts. Their record company, EMI, estimated that by 1985 they had sold over one billion discs and tapes worldwide. The Beatles are the best-selling musical act of all time in the United States, according to the Recording Industry Association of America
  The Beatles are the most popular and influential rock band of all time. The Beatles, in fact, are a synonym for rock & roll. The Beatles were a rock music sensation in the 1960s and1970s. The Beatles changed popular music for all time, with their songs and their sparkling personalities.
  The birth of thebeatles
  Members: John Lennon, McCartney, George Harrison, RingoStarr.
  OriginallyLennon and McCartney had played together in a groupcalled The Quarrymen.becauseof their highschool named quarry.At a later date with Harrison,they formedtheir own group named 'The Silver Beatles', before Starr joinedthem in 1962july to form the Beatles as we know them today. Lennon andMcCartney were the main songwriters, withHarrison as their brilliantguitarist. When Starr, the bouncy drummer. joinedup, the group began rockingwith the singles: first “Love Me Do,”second“PleasePlease Me,”third “From Meto You,” No. 1 singles and quickly made them Britain's top rockgroup.
  The british invasion and the beatlemania:
  Therelease of "I Want to Hold Your Hand" in1964 marked the beginning of the 'world' phenomenonknown as"Beatlemania" in the United States.
  In1964,the group appeared on American television’s The Ed Sullivan Show. Theywere seenby 73 million people, and the sensation known as Beatlemania waslaunched.Screaming fans followed the Beatles everywhere and bought theirrecords inunheard-of numbers. Their concerts werescenes of mass worship, and theirrecords sold in the millions.
  BrianWilson:“Their arrival in America in 1964 was electrifying, one of the mostexcitingthings that ever happened in my life, and their music has always andwill alwaysmean so much to me.”
  Manyotherbritish band followed their step to the USA. They almost dstoriedamerican’slocal music including, the father of rock& roll,king cat ,Elvis Presley.
  Theirfirst film, the innovative A Hard Day's Night (1964), wasreceived enthusiastically by a wide audience that includedmany who had neverbefore listened to rock music. Composing their own material(Lennon andMcCartney were the major creative forces), The Beatles establishedtheprecedent for other rock groups to play their own music. Experimenting withnewmusical forms, they produced an extraordinary variety of songs: thechildishlysimple "Yellow Submarine";the bitter social commentary of"Eleanor Rigby"; parodies of earlier pop styles; new electronicsounds; andcompositions that were scored for cellos, violins, trumpets, andsitars, as wellas for conventional guitars and drums.
  Thebroke-up of thebeatles
  In1970,the Beatles announced their breakup. after therelease of their final album, Let It Be , to pursue individualcareers.
  Each oftheBeatles went on to a solo career. But fans always hoped the group would getbacktogether. This hope ended when Lennon was murdered by an obsessed fan in1980.In 2001, Harrison died of cancer. But fans know that the Beatles willsomehownever really die.
  The influenceof thebeatles
  TheBeatlesare the most popular and influential rock band of all time. TheBeatles, infact, are a synonym for rock & roll. Their music wasre-released in 1987 VCDand continues to sell well, and it is playedcontinuously on radio stations.Theirnew album, titled “1,” debutedinNovember 2000 at No. 1 on pop charts in the U.S.A. and 16 other countriesandsold more than one-half million copies the first week. The album contains 27ofthe Beatles No. 1 singles. A recent television special, which was titled TheBeatlesRevolution, attracted 8.7 million viewers to its first showing onABC .
  Theirinfluencepermeates Western society and can be felt throughout the world.
  TheBeatlesset the tone for rock music and for the hippie youth culture in the1960s untilthe band broke up in 1969. They led a generation of rebelliousyouth frommarijuana to acid to “free sex” to eastern religion to revolutionand liberalpolitical/social activism. David Noebel observes: “The Beatles settrends, andtheir fans followed their lead. They were the vanguard of an entiregenerationwho grew long hair, smoked grass, snorted coke, dropped acid, andlived for rock‘n’ roll. They were the ‘cool’ generation”
  TheBeatlesbegan taking drugs during their earliest band days before they becamepopular.They started by taking slimming pills to stay awake during longperformances.They were high on “prellies,” a form of speed calledPhenmetrazine and marketedas Preludin. John Lennon was so out of control onenight, that “when a customerover-enthusiastically approached the stage, hekicked him in the head twice,then grabbed a steak knife from a table and threwit at the man”
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