Golden Week means the continuous seven day vacation of the Spring Festival,Labor Day and the National day in the People's Republic of China,comparing to other official holidays,"Golden Week"is also called "Long Vacation",commonly the festivals are named after that,called "Labor Day long vacation","National Day long vacation" and "Spring Festival long vacation.Golden Week traveling accelerated
the cooperation of traffic,information,scenery,lodging,dining,shopping,entertainment,
complete security establishment service,expanded the citizens social and consume demand,advanced the requirements,boosted the increase in country finance.Holiday travel are restricted to the three Golden Week of "Labor Day","National Day"and Spring Festival,it was over centralized in time,at the average consuming abilities of the citizens not achieving to a certain level,making an obvious contrast in "Golden Week"'s popularity and the insipidity of the travel industries after the holiday,not beneficial for a balanced long period of development for the traveling industries.Holiday traveling made the pressure of traffic transportation increase,overload reception causes scenery damage,cultural relic and environment harm,all of the above are not beneficial for the lasting development of the whole traveling industries in the nation.By using the origin of Golden Week,connotation and the expound of the advantages and disadvantages,this article has analyzed the damage to our national's traveling caused by Golden Week,and brought forward the corresponding solution.