find some way as possible to help them拜托各位了 3Q
you really want to help them , but what will you do if you don't have much money to donate?
人气:203 ℃ 时间:2020-03-25 00:42:22
Thank you for your qusetion If I don't have enough money,I will help them in other ways,for example, I can do something special to help them not feel alone,such as telling stories,making up jokes or h...
- what will you do if you don't have much money to donate?Find as many ways as possible to help them
- Please help them to do some housework中them为什么不是they
- Help yourself to some() Thank you,I really like them
- they need me to help them () some problems
- 完型1.Some cities are crowded.They have bus or train s____ to help people travel through them.
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