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3.In the excitement and,indeed,drama of digital media options,we sometimes forget the powerful role personal selling has across many integrated brand promotion strategies
4.This first part of the book lays out the broad landscape of the advertising and IBP processes that expose us to brands and what they have to offer.
8.The message in Exhibit 1.4,sponsored by Trojan公司,is an advertisement because it is paid-for communication.
10.After all,Victoria’s Secret had done a great job with bold television advertising featuring Tyra Banks and Gisele Bunfchen,not to mention those direct mail catalogs
人气:208 ℃ 时间:2020-03-28 07:51:53
第一段:当人们沉浸在数字媒体所带来的多元化的选择中而激动不已时,我们有时会忽略在一个完整的品牌宣传战略中,个人销售所扮演的重要角色.第二段,本书第一部分描述了广告业以及IBP过程的大致图景,向我们揭晓了广告的内涵以及它所传达的实质.第三段,在“展览品14,由trojan公司赞助”这句话中所包涵的信息体现了其是一条广告,因为它是通过付费达到交换信息的目的 第四段,由帝拉邦克斯和吉赛尔邦臣领衔的影片《维多利亚的密密》中,在纯粹的电视广告宣传方面地确干的不赖,更别提那些直邮广告的宣传画册了
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