作可数名词的是确指一种或几种某些方面的能力 如extraordinary abilities 等
作不可数名词,泛指能力,人是否有能这样做的能力,如my abilityI take care of them to the best of my abilities��They tackled them to the best of their ability.�����������ability�ǿ������������֮ǰ˵�ģ���������ʵ���ȷָһ�ֻ���ijЩ��������� ����仰�Dz��Dz��䰡����ô����������������ʵ���ȷָһ�֣��������ijЩ���������������I try to do my job to the best of my ability(= as well as I can)�˴���ָ�����ļ���I take care of them to the best of my abilities���˴�ָ�ø��ַ����չ˺����ǣ�����˵�ø��ְ취��С��