One day Tom borrowed a pot from his neighbour Ali.The next day he brought is back with another little pot inside.“That's not mine,”said Ali.“Yes,it is.”said Tom.“While your pot was staying with me,it had a baby.”
Some time later Tom asked Ali to lengd him a pot again.Ali agreed,hoping that he would once again receive two pots in return.However,days passed and Tom had still not returned the pot.Finally Ali lost patience and went to ask for it.“I am sorry,”said Tom.“I can't give you back your pot,since is has died.”“Died!”cried Ali,“How can a pot die?”“Well,”said Tom,“you believed me when I told you that your pot had a baby.”
1.Who was the owner of the pot?
2.How many times did Tom borrow the pot?
3.Why was the neighbour happy to lend his pot a second time?
4.How many pots did Tome return the second time?
人气:466 ℃ 时间:2019-12-06 18:15:16
3.Because he thought he would once again receive two pots in return.
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