> 英语 >
1.The decoration work helps make an environment that would fit the way you want to live because you could decorate it to your taste.Put furniture in whatever way you like.
2.I was afraid they'd be delayed by the traffic.
3.Anyway,I'm not good at growing things.But I'm good at needle work.I like to sew,to mend clothes.
4.Pretty good,though I have to work hard for what I get.And there's quite a lot of overtime.
5.I got a degree in economics and then took a course in shorthand ,typing and various forms of office training.
6.To a Chinese businessman,the honest word of a trader is worth more than a million dollars.
7.I'm sorry to hear that.The trouble is we're a bit short of hands at present.
8.In addition to changing eating habits,a fat person should increase the amount of exercise taken.Exercise can help strengthen your body and burn off fat.
9.Anorexia is commonly known as the"disease".which is caused by eating too little
人气:371 ℃ 时间:2020-05-08 15:55:22
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