Japan ROHM Corporation launch a new generation of wireless FM stereo transmitter chip as the core BH1415F.We use it as part of the core chips launched.After the class as a C9018,1 months C3355 and the C2053 has a three-level power amplifier circuit by the LC filter resonant antenna then launch by transmitting aerial.The use of double-sided circuit boards PCB design,ensuring the launch of high-performance machine.Control part of the use of simulation as a core component of STC12C2052 chip can be programmed to achieve the flexibility and control,support for download online,convenient and quick.As a result of BH1415F frequency within the integrated phase-locked loop PLL,audio pre-emphasis,limiter and low pass filter circuit,the frequency stability of the launch,first-class sound quality and stereo separation is high.The design of the frequency of 78.5MHz to 120.0MHz in the framework set up to launch arbitrary frequency,adjust the minimum firing frequency 0.1MHz,audio input audio interface,microphone in the external interface by adding your voice,at the same time launch modulation,left red outside the receiving head,remote control functionality can be extended.Debugging through the production of the final test,to prove the basic circuit design mature,the completion of the basic modulation audio signal amplification,frequency transceiver in accordance with the settings,launch distance requirements.The design of FM than the traditional application of more advanced flexible and reliable,can be widely used in schools in the wireless radio,television director at the scene,car navigation,wireless speech,such as small-scale projects in mobile communications.
人气:102 ℃ 时间:2020-04-18 23:43:20
Japan ROHM Corporation has launched a new generation of wireless FM stereo transmitter chip as the core BH1415F.
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