I love you,Not only for what you are,But for what I amWhen I am with you.I love you,Not only for whatYou have made of yourself,But for whatYou are making of me.I love youFor the part of meThat you bring out;I love youFor putting your handInto my heaped-up heartAnd passing overAll the foolish,weak thingsThat you can’t helpDimly seeing there,And for drawing outInto the lightAll the beautiful belongingsThat no one else had lookedQuite far enough to find.I love you because youAre helping me to makeOf the lumber of my lifeNot a tavernBut a temple;Out of the worksOf my every dayNot a reproachBut a song.I love youBecause you have doneMore than any creedCould have doneTo make me goodAnd more than any fateCould have doneTo make me happy.You have done itWithout a touch,Without a word,Without a sign.You have done itBy being yourself.Perhaps that is whatBeing a friend means,After all.”
人气:401 ℃ 时间:2020-01-24 15:53:43
这是一首出自爱尔兰诗人的《爱》很经典我爱你, 不光因为你的样子, 还因为, 和你在一起时, 我的样子. 我爱你, 不光因为你为我而做的事, 还因为, 为了你, 我能做成的事. 我爱你, 因为你能唤出, 我最真的那部分. 我爱...
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