给我一份英语演讲稿,内容要是 I want to be……
人气:157 ℃ 时间:2020-04-06 11:12:35
I want to be a doctorEverytime I am asked what I want to do in the future. I think a minute and say being a doctor is my dream job. Doctor is an other kind of artist who does human art by fighting wit...十分感谢,请再帮我找一篇好吧,加分呐可以My ideal is to be a good lawyer. Whenever I saw on television the dignity of the lawyers, plausibly to help victims in court when washing wrong, I admire feeling arises spontaneously. How I hope that in the near future, I would also like the aunt and uncle, stand on dignity of the court, the use of their abundant knowledge of the law to help victims of Shen Zhang zhengyi, harm get their due punishment. Become an outstanding lawyer, and my lofty ideals. however, all imagine it is no use, You must put practical actions, and strive to achieve good idea. In daily life, study, to get out of life to be the basic principle ; from learning to get rich knowledge.我的理想是当一名优秀的律师. 每当我在电视上看到那些衣着端庄的律师们,在法庭上振振有词地替受害者洗清冤屈时,我心中的敬佩感油然而生. 我多么希望在不久的将来,我也能像那些叔叔阿姨们那样,站在庄严的法庭上,用自己丰盛的法律知识来替受害者申张正义,让害人者得到应有的惩罚. 成为一名杰出的律师,是我的崇高理想. 但是,光凭想象是没用的,必需付诸于实际举动,为实现美好的理想而努力奋斗. 在日常生活,学习中,要从生活中获取做人的基本道理;从学习中获取丰盛的知识.
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