1 Yeasterday Maria arrived ____ (late) of all.
2 can you tell me _ ____ it is from here to your school
A how much B how long C how far D how soon
3 John ___ Beijing the day before yesterday
A arrived at B arrieved in
4 I was supposed to go to the movies with lucy.(对画线部分提问)
___ ____ you supposed to go to the movies with
我要理由 我自己有答案 请详细些理由 要根据句子来理解的 写下句子意思谢谢
人气:234 ℃ 时间:2020-04-09 19:13:16
1、the latest?求楼主答案= = 昨天玛丽亚是所有人中来的最晚的?
A一般问价钱,B表“多长时间”,用它的话我认为应该说“can you tell me how long does it take……” C说距离,D意思是多快
arrived in后接较大的地点,arrived at后接较小的地点,比如汽车站.
4、Whom were
可以这样看这个句子:you wre supposed to go to the movies with whom?
with 是介词,后加宾格,所以用who 的宾格
因为原句是I was,所以后面要用“were you”
- 1.you kan have a cup of tea { } coffee if you want.A drink B instead C instead of D instead in 要求选出答案 和理由 为什么这么填
- 1.-Jackson,I haven't seen you these days.-I __for the coming English test.
- 1The series of books about HarryPotter are be coming more and more popular ,and it ___ the best selling series of __ boo
- 请些理由
- 1 I ___ my dictionary at home ,so I have to use my classmate today.
- 按部就班,___,___,___,___,___,___,___,___,___,___,___,三头六臂,___,___,___,___,___,___,___,___,___,粗制滥造.
- 如何有效的理解劳动力和劳动的区别?
- 怎样求化合物中某元素所占质量分数?例:KIO3z中碘元素的质量分数是?