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In 1790 the first sewing machine was patented.The inventor was an Englishman called Thomas Saint.There was nothing to match his machine for forty years,and then someone built a similar device.He was a Frenchman,Bartelemy Thimonier.Neither of these early machines worked very well,however.It wasn’t until 1846 that an inventor came up with a really efficient(高效的) sewing machine.He was an American,Elias Howe,and his machine was good enough to beat five skilled sewing women.He didn’t make much money from it,however.The first commercially (商业的) successful sewing machine was patented by Isaac Singer five years later.
人气:280 ℃ 时间:2020-03-24 20:33:23
1970年第一台缝纫机获得了专利,发明人是英国的圣托马斯.四十年里,没有什么机器能与他的机器相比,后来有人造出了相似的装置.他是一位法国人,Bartelemy Thimonier.这两种早期的机器运作都不十分良好,不过,直到1846年,一个发明人想出了一个真正有效率的(高效的)缝纫机.他是美国人埃利亚斯豪,他的机器好的可以胜过五个技术娴熟的妇女.他并没有因为它而赚很多钱,五点后,第一台成功的商业缝纫机由Isaac Singer 获得专利.
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