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人气:451 ℃ 时间:2020-06-21 01:13:39
  A lager room,where curtains were closed to allow no daylight in,and the candles were lit,.in the centre of the room .there was a table,.at which was a ady.She was wearing a dressmade of rich material.She had a bride's flowers in her hair.but herhair was white.There were suitcases full of dresses and jewels around her.ready for a journey.She only had one white shoe on.the white wedding dress had became yellow.and the flowers in her hair was died.and the bride inside the dress had grown old.Everything in the room was ancient and dying.the only brightness in the room was in her dark old eyes.Who was the lady?She was Miss havisham.a pitiful lady.Her mother died young.Her farther was very rich and very proud.with only one child,Miss Havisham,by his first wife.Then he married his cook.and had a son by her.This son a half brther to Miss havisham,was a bad character,and did not inherit as mush from his farther as Miss Havisham.He fund a man.The man pretended he was in love with Miss havisham.She was certainly in love with him.and give him whatever money he asked for.The couple fixed the wedding day.the guest were invited.The dress and the cake were brought in the room.The day came,but the man did not came…He broke her heart.She was angry .She wanted revenge.She adopt Estella.She wanted she to revenge.She said to Pip,who was deeply in love with Estella.“love her ,love her,love her !If she likes you,love her!If she hurt you.love her!if she tears your heart to pieces.love her!”But she did not want Estella to marry Pip.She let her marry another person,who Estella did not love.This is the story of Miss Havisham.She was hurt by a person.She wanted to hurt other persons.And she had done.This is no good for her.Only made her feel a little comfortable.and there was more victims in the world.there are so many persons in the world.when they were hurt they want to hurt other innocent persons.Athough this is no goodnfor them.but they did so.I do not know why they did so.Revenge?Made the world full of hateness.It is difficult to understand.
  Joe was very different from Miss Havisham.His farther drank a lot,and when he drank he used to hit his mother and Joe.Joe’s mother and Joe ran away fromhim,but he found them and took them home.and hit them.but Jos said that his farther had a good heart.It is difficult to understand.Pip’s sister,Joe’s wife,a rude lady.She liked to be in charge and give orders.But Joe did not rebel.He said that when he thought of his por mother’s hard life.he was not afraid of not behaving right to a woman.so he’d rather seem a bit weak her than shouted at her.or hurt her.or hit her.He felt soory that she scrolded Pip as well.He wished that he could take all the scolding himself.What a kind person.Joe is other kind of person.When he was hurt.he would not let other peole suffer from it.he is very different from Miss Havisham.If there are more Jes live in the world,what the world will be?All of us can imagine.I did not say Joe is a very good person.I only say,if sme one hurt you.It is his faults.and you can revenge t him.Please do not hurt other innocent poele.Miss Havisham and Joe are two persons made me think a lot in this book.Their different outlook on life.
  Pip is also an important persoon in the story.He fall in love with Estella.He studied as hard as he could.educating himself for her.Why did he love her?Because she is pretty?Because she is rich?Because she is proud?She did not treat him well.She give something eat to him.She put some bread and meat on the groundfor him.like a dog,but he did not hate her.he loved her as well.Beacause Pip loved her .he filt ashamed of his friends.he left from his home and his friends.I think it is not worth at all.If one persn do nt like you and treat you not vell Why do you like he?
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