Before Preceedings,Churchill and Stalin agreed that Roosevelt the only head of state would preside at the first formal session.Every thing was so relaxed,it didnot seem possible that the conference was about to make decisions involving the fortunes of millions of people.There was nothind of the strain so frequently found on great occasions.Roosevelt's first words were in a light wing.As the youngest of the three he said he welcomed his elders.Churchill was the most eloquent saying," In our hands,we have the future of mankind." As host,Stalin welcomed his guests and then added," Now let's get down to business."
人气:474 ℃ 时间:2019-09-09 17:31:00
Before Preceedings,Churchill and Stalin agreed that Roosevelt the only head of state would preside at the first formal session.
Every thing was so relaxed,it didnot seem possible that the conference was about to make decisions involving the fortunes of millions of people.一切都是那么轻松自然,根本看不出来这次会议决定着千万人的命运.
There was nothind of the strain so frequently found on great occasions.在那重要的时刻,看不出任何紧张的气氛.
Roosevelt's first words were in a light wing.
As the youngest of the three he said he welcomed his elders.
Churchill was the most eloquent saying," In our hands,we have the future of mankind."
As host,Stalin welcomed his guests and then added," Now let's get down to business." 作为东道主,斯大林热烈欢迎了他的客人们,说道:让我们正式开始会谈吧.
- 改为同义句
- 别担心,我会很快和你联系的(翻译) don't worry ,i'll __ __ __ you soon
- 用括号内的动词适在空白处用适当形式填空
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- 人的眼睛可以看到多远的景物
- (x-y)(x-2y)-6y^2 因式分解
- (1)6分之5一6分之1=.(2)10分之3十5分之1=.(3)5分之1一8分之1十5分之4=.(4)5分之4一(4分之1十5分之2)=.