> 英语 >
Fred needed a photograph of himself ,so he went to have his picture taken
“ I would like a photograph of m___________(1) please ,” he said .“ How much do you charge ”
“$25 for the first one ,” the man said .“Then $2 for other copies .”
“ Ok ,” Fred said .“ Can you t___________(2) my photograph now ”
“ Yes ,come this way ,please .”
The man took Fred into a room and asked him to sit down .Then he turned o_________(3) some bright lights and took his photograph .The man said ,” Come back tomorrow and the photograph will be r_________(4) .”
The n__________(5) day ,Fred went back to pick up his photograph .
“ You photograph is ready ,” the man said ,and gave Fred an envelope .
Fred looked at the photograph .He was not p____________(6) .“ This photograph makes me I____________(7) very old ,” he told the man .
The man smiled ,“ I wanted to s__________(8) you money ,sir ,”he said,W----------this photograph,you don't have to have your photograph taken a_____________(10) for many years .”
人气:148 ℃ 时间:2020-06-08 01:43:06
1 myself 2 take 3 on 4 ready 5 next6 pleased 7 look 8 save 9 With 10 again译:弗雷德需要一张自己的照片,所以他去找人拍照.他说:“我想要给自己拍张照,要收多少钱?”男店员说:“头一张要25美元,其他的拷贝就...
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