Last year,I ___1___(take) piano lessons.My teacher was very srtict and I __2___(practice) really hard-----sometimes more than three hours a day.But I don't mind because now I can play some of my favorite songs,and I can tell people that I __3___(learn) to play an instrument.
I've also taken English lessons and have improved a lot.I even got to practice __4___(speak) English in summer.You should have seen how happy I was when my parents told me they __5___(talk) about going to England for our summer vacation.They said it was a present for doing so well in my exams.It __6___(be) my first time outside Brazil.England was great!I am going to take more lessons in English and __7___(become) a better English speaker.
I didn't take a cooking course this year,but I'm saving my money and next summer I __8___(go) to France to learn French cooking.As for the last thing on my list,last weekend,I went to an amusement park with my friends and we finally __9___(go) on the giant rollercoaster.I was scared and we were all screaming but it was really fun.
What about you?Have you ever made a list of things ___10___(do) that you have never done before?
人气:397 ℃ 时间:2019-08-20 02:52:43
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