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人气:415 ℃ 时间:2020-05-14 15:26:20
Material is not having the money and have a successful life
Moderation in all things, and metrics. Is like a cup of tea, tea will put much more bitter tea put less tasteless, appropriate is the best. Tea drinking in moderation, drinking in moderation, want right amount motion, eat in moderation, nap in moderation, contentment and joy, right amount is good everywhere. People are not happy, because we are too comparing, expect too much of life, demanding too much, know how to contentment, happy heart.
To have such a small story: father let two sons play mountain climbing, two paths to the mountain, a flat and close, a risk and far, and he chose the road, and the younger son chose the path, the result of the match, the eldest son won the match, said to his little son when the father regret that he lost the game, the younger son said: even though I lost the game, but, I won the life
So the content can also judge that whether a person have a successful life
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