> 英语 >
my is ahealthy girl
人气:334 ℃ 时间:2020-04-16 17:19:35
1.If you want to be healthy girl,you should Start off right away with drinking more water.
2.If you want to be healthy girl,you should Maintain a regular sleep pattern.
3.If you want to be healthy girl,you should Eat breakfast every day.
4.If you want to be healthy girl,you should Avoid junk food.
5.If you want to be healthy girl,you should Eat meals slowly,and stop eating when you are full.
6.If you want to be healthy girl,you should Snack healthfully.
7.If you want to be healthy girl,you should Exercise at least three to five times per week.
8.If you want to be healthy girl,you should Stick to a hygiene regimen.
9.If you want to be healthy girl,you should bring a full water bottle and a piece of fruit with you when you leave your house.
10.If you want to be healthy girl,you should Eat (your fruits and veggies),Drink (lots of water),and be merry!
11.If you want to be healthy girl,you should Try and keep with a supportive group of friends,and do fun activities with them.
12.If you want to be healthy girl,you should you can walk or jog in place in front of the TV when watching TV,if you don't have time for anything more vigorous.
13.If you want to be healthy girl,you should not sit around all day watching television.Go out with friends and go outdoors.Fun activities for a rainy or snowy day are ice skating,roller skating,indoor pools,laser tag and shopping!
14.If you want to be healthy girl,you should Wash your face in the morning and at night before you go to bed to keep your skin healthy and clean.
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