> 英语 >
I hope to make friends with an English lovers or foreign friends ,We can communicate with each othe
I hope to make friends with an English lovers or foreign friends We can communicate with each other through the network and more understand each other in life.
We can listen to each other's life And Laughter,anger,sorrow,and happiness .
I want to go to learn English and to improve their own。
人气:296 ℃ 时间:2020-03-21 12:53:55
Are you from English major or a skilled English speaker?If yes,I may be interested in talking to you.I'm not an English major。。But I'm very interested in English, i want to consolidateWe can Make a friend?I has a purpose。。 Is to use English to improve my English。。。The answer is yes and no. First, I want to emphasize that I am not a student and I need to work. I may not have so much time for a fluffy chat. So, if you want to practice, you decide the topic. I may not respond immediately. If your English is not good enough, I may cease the communication.First,i want to say thank you.Secondly,as you said that I‘m not a student,We are doing adult communication...Of course, I also at work.topic is..If time permits, daily lives or work mood sharing can.
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