请你用there is\isn'there are\aren't there was\wasn't there were\weren't造句吗?
人气:438 ℃ 时间:2019-09-29 07:48:38
1.There is a hospital behind my house.否定:There isn't a hospital behind my house.在我家后面(没)有一家医院.2.There are many students on the playground.否定:There aren't many students on the playgr...
- 请用There is/are,There isn't/aren't,There was/were,There wasn't/were't.写出深南大道的变化
- 用There is/are,There isn't/aren't,There was/were,There wasn't/weren't写出深
- There was,There were造句,
- There is ,there was,there were 造句
- 用There were .造句(造5个)
- 某厂房屋顶呈人字架形(等腰三角形),如图所示,已知AC=BC=8m,∠A=30°,CD⊥AB于点D. (1)求∠ACB的大小; (2)求AB的长度.
- 33.5厘米等于多少寸啊
- 某烃0.1mol在标准状况下与20L氧气(过量)完全反应,将生成的混合气体通过足量的Na2O2粉末,使之完全反应,此