On hold At least they can be comforted that their lawyers will return to represent them tanned and rested. A friend of mine could not get confirmation that she was pregnant with the couple's first, long-awaited baby since her doctor - along with anyone who might have been able to stand in for him - was away.
一切停滞 至少他们会感到欣慰,他们的律师们回来代表他们出庭的时候,个个都会面色黝黑、精神饱满. 我的一位朋友怀孕了,这是他们夫妇盼望已久的第一个孩子,但是她迟迟得不到医生的确认,因为她的医生、还有其他所有能够为医生替班的人,都不在.