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The earth has been storing up energy for the past 3.5 billion years.Ever since life has existed on this planet,photosynthetic organisms have been converting the transverse electromagnetic waves that come from the sun into energy.That energy is stored in the bonds between C-C atoms.When stuff dies,that energy remains in the bond.That carbon or “dead stuff” piles up,gets buried and is compacted forming vast stores of energy in the form of coal and oil.
Over the past 150 years we have been using the supply that took 3.5 billion years to compile.We have been using it quickly,somewhat irresponsibly,and without much regard for the impact it has had on the environment,the supply is limited or finite.Some experts believe that at the present rate of consumption,we will begin to suffer serious shortages within 30-4- years.Even so,the majority of the current supply is not within our grasp.Let’s face it coal and oil are the currency of the future.Wars are being fought and will continue to be fought over this supply of energy.It’s syriana.
What are our options?Do we have any?I guarantee that your generation will either figure this out or you will suffer a drastic change in lifestyle.No more cars,no more heat,no more light.
I have $50,000 liquid cash that I am looking to invest.Show me what you got.
人气:230 ℃ 时间:2020-05-13 15:37:53
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