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Which approach to life do you prefer, life with change or without?
Some people enjoy staying a statble life enviroment while others would like to look forward new experience. Both have their goodness because life without change provides us a steady income, a peaceful circumstance to devolope, however, change in life may come together with unknown happness and adventure.
Life without change just like a lagoon without wave, quite even still. For example: if one chose a work that realitive unchangable such as working for a middle company in a ordinary position, he or she unlikely suffer from posibility of failure. What’s more a peaceful progress simplify people’ mind, then they have more time to apprieciate details of life. Of course seldom can we see there is any rise and fall in his or her career although change in life is unavoidable.
Therefore, I prefer chanllenge such those rise and fall actively. I believe lagoons belong to elder workers who has alrealy experienced up and down, and Oceanus is waitting for me. Reasons are following: In this way, I may know more people as my suroundings always change, so I get much more friends than lagoons. Moreover I could taste different things in different life, hence, I will have abundant experience to recall when I became old. As live is made up of experience, in some ways, maybe I can say, I live longer for those experience. Moreover, for youth, we need more freedom. In the light of the statement, everyone live by selling something, teachers live by selling knowledge, prests live by spiritual comfort, philosopher by wisdom. However if freedom sold, life isn’t life anymore. Ergo, I believe, a life with change, for us, is prerequisite of freedom.
In conclusion, I each follows his own bent, if I were retired, I would like my life without much change, and as I am youang, I would rather a changing life.
人气:223 ℃ 时间:2020-05-20 17:54:22
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