> 英语 >
Let me take this opportunity to personally thank you for
choosing our bank to handle your account.I know a great
amount of care goes into choosing a banker,and your
decision reaffirms my belief in the old fashioned ways of
banking.We believe our depositors enjoy the personal
contact they receive at each one of our branches.
Be assured that the personal banking concept enjoys our
greatest commitment.We employ the latest technology in
computers,however,we will never abandon our personal
commitment to you,the customer,our greatest asset.
I hope you will investigate our trust services,and feel
free to use any of the many services we have designed to
make your banking experience as enjoyable and
comprehensive as possible.
I have enclosed our latest financial statement for your
review,along with a descriptive brochure of the many
services available to you.
If I may be of any help in the future,please feel free
to call upon this office.
人气:158 ℃ 时间:2020-05-24 09:11:43
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