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嗨 女孩 我... ... 其实 我想对你说的很多 我却不晓得从哪里说起 我的思绪一团乱麻 我只要一想到你就会紧张 短路 我总想打给你 想对你说点什么 但每次都没有勇气 我不知道该告诉你什么 我怕不小心会说错什么 因为我在乎你的感受那个晚上过后 我总是想起你 我知道自己着迷了 着迷那个漂亮瘦弱的你 我... ...好吧我不晓得该怎么说了
人气:424 ℃ 时间:2019-10-26 19:51:05
嗨 女孩 我......其实 我想对你说的很多 我却不晓得从哪里说起 我的思绪一团乱麻 我只要一想到你就会紧张 短路 我总想打给你 想对你说点什么 但每次都没有勇气 我不知道该告诉你什么 我怕不小心会说错什么 因为我在乎你的感受 那个晚上过后 我总是想起你 我知道自己着迷了 着迷那个漂亮瘦弱的你 我......好吧 我不晓得该怎么说了
Hi,my sweetie...there are much I'd like to say to you but I don't know where to star.My mind is in a mess and I am too nervous when I think of you.It seems my brain has been short circuited.I really want to call you and say something,but i couldn't pick up the courage.I am afraid I might have said something wrong as I care about your feeling too much.After that night,you been on my mind and I know and I am deeply immersed in the thought of you,your pretty and slim image that has taken over my mind...I really don;'t how to continue and how I wish you know my feeling for you...
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