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Yesterday\'s Tomorrow is Today,Tomorrow\'s Yesterday is Today,Today ,as a bridge,is more important,so Do Cherish Today!
Today is the first day of new week.Not a good begin I think ,I lose something and feel so sad,I know I am growing up.Never look back ,cherish what I have now and make my future brighter!I should learnt how to live how to deal with thing and learn to do everything as a infant.The world changes so quickly!People change so quickly,just find I am so puerility that didn\'t know how to deal well with the relationship between people and made myself so hard.I think I am a simple boy but frankly I find I think too much and most of the thing I thought will never happen.
Anyway!Don\'t worry Be happy!You have so many great friends!Life is so beautiful!The world is waiting for you Get it
人气:128 ℃ 时间:2019-09-09 17:39:57
昨天 ' s明天是今天、明天 ' s昨天是今天,今天,当一座桥的时候,更重要的是,这么做珍惜今天!
今天是新的一周的第一天不是一个好开始我想,我失去了什么而感到如此悲伤,我知道我成长起来一去不返,珍惜现在我,并使我的未来变的更辉煌!!我应该学会生活如何处理事情,学会做每件事成为一个婴儿.世界转变可真快啊!!人们改变如此之快,只是看到我 '质量,根本不知道该怎么处理好人与人之间的关系,使自己的努力.”我认为我是一个简单的男孩,但是坦白地说,我觉得我想得太多,而且大部分东西我想事不可能发生的.
无论如何!' t担心的是不开心啊!!!!你有那么多的好朋友!!生活是多么的美好!!全世界的人都在等待你!明白!!
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