To me,music is food and water.I can't live without it.I know this is not tru
e for everybody.Many
people don't listen to music and they can get along quite well.But music is ev
erywhere in our life.For
example,when you watch films or TV plays,do you find them interesting if th
ere is no music?You
would find them boring.And when you are waiting for the train or the plane,
you would like music
because it makes the time seem shorter.
It is true that music is everywhere in our life.Some people like to sit by th
e sea and listen to the
sound of the sea.Some enjoy listening to the singing of birds.Those sounds a
re some kinds of music.
So music has meaning for everyone in some way or other.Of course,it has sp
ecial meaning for people
like me.We spend our lives playing or writing music.
Someone said,"Though music a child goes into a world of beauty,learns t
o take care of others
and makes his mind and body strong."Music is an important part of our lives.
人气:172 ℃ 时间:2020-02-05 10:18:01
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