Some employers have been hesitant to sponsor financial seminars for fear of being sued,notes Lynn Dudley of the American Benefits Council,a lobby group.
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这是上下文。主要是把两个机构的名字翻译好一些However,there is a fine line between education and advice.Although education and sales are
meant to be strictly separated,many of those giving the seminars work for firms that sell
financial products.Some employers have been hesitant to sponsor financial seminars for fear
of being sued,notes Lynn Dudley of the American Benefits Council,a lobby group.Two bills
now before Congress attempt to deal with this question.Meanwhile,a growing number of
pension schemes offer "lifestyle" or "life-cycle" funds that skirt the question of advice by
automatically shifting the mix of investments away from equities and towards bonds and cash
as retirement nears (see chart 2).
人气:277 ℃ 时间:2019-12-04 06:29:01
Lynn Dudley是人名