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人气:485 ℃ 时间:2020-05-04 08:15:42
The year 2002 is a year in which China continued to explore and advance in its reform and opening up as well as its socialist modernization drive.We adhered to the policy of increasing domestic demand,implemented the proactive fiscal policy and stable monetary policy,carried out the strategy of revitalizing China through science,technology and education and the strategy of sustainable development,promoted strategic economic restructuring,strengthened the fundamental status of agriculture,deepened state-owned enterprise reform,enhanced ecological protection and construction,actively promoted development of the western region,strived to create employment and promote reemployment,perfected the social security system,and consolidated the construction of the socialist legal system and culture and ideology.Accordingly,we maintained a sustained,rapid and sound development of the national economy,promoted overall progress of society,and further improved the people's standard of living.Today,China is thriving with a good government and a united people.
We adhered to the opening policy in promoting reform and development and brought reform and opening up to a new level.China strictly abided by the rules of the World Trade Organization and honored its commitments by continuing to open its markets and improve the investment environment.China has now become one of the most attractive countries on the planet for foreign investment.China's development is indispensable to the world and the world's prosperity is indispensable to China.China's development is conducive to world peace and development.
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