1 我伸手到桌子的另一端拿果酱.
1.I reached for the jam on the other side of the desk.
2 要把所有的门窗关好再出门.
2.Please secure all the windows and doors before go out.
3 小偷趁人没注意溜了出去.
3.The stealer slided out without being noticed.
4 在微弱的灯光下,我只能看到建筑的轮廓.
4.I can only see the outline of the building by slaint light.
5 他已经向我暗示说我得到了这个奖.
5.He had hinted me that I got this award.
6 在这页的这一边写字,另一边空着.
6.Please write on this side,and leave blank on the other side.
7 那是我一生中永远不会忘记的事.
7.That's the episode I can't forget forever.