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人气:255 ℃ 时间:2020-02-02 17:10:35
结构:如陈述部分为肯定式,疑问部分用否定式.反之,如陈述部分否定式,疑问部分用肯定式.疑问部分重复陈述句的主语(必须用代词)和be , have,助动词或情态动词.如陈述句中没有 be, have,助动词或情态动词,则须另加do.如:She has gone to town, hasn't she? 她进城了,对吗?
You like it, don't you? 你喜欢它,不是吗?
He's an engneer, isn't he?↑ 他是工程师,是不是?
It's a fine day today, isn't it?↓ 今天天气很好,对吧?
2.对反意疑问句的回答,肯定或否定要前后保持一致,即前面用“ yes ”,后面必须是肯定;前面用“no ”,后面必须是否定.
We need to practise speaking English more often, don't we? 我们需要多练习说英语,是不是?
He ought to know what to do, oughtn't he? 他应当知道该怎么做,对不对?
4.在回答前否定(陈述句)+后肯定(简略问句)的反意疑问句时,答语中“yes ”和“no”的翻译恰好与汉语相反,如:He isn't a pianist, is he?他不是钢琴家,是吗?
Yes , he is .(No, he isn't.)不,他是钢琴家.(对,他不是钢琴家.)
问中:He doesn't want to buy it, does he? 他不想买它,对吗?
答中:A:Yes, he does.不,他想买. B: No, he doesn't. 对,他不想买.
(一)特殊情况(1)陈述部分是I am 时,疑问部分常用“aren't I?”代替更正式的“am I not? ”.如:I'm late, aren't I? 我迟到了,是吗?
(2)如陈述部分是“there be”结构时,疑问部分只需对换there be 的位置即可.如:
There's something wrong with your watch, isn't there? 你的手表有毛病,对吗?
(3)陈述部分是形式主语it 时,疑问部分的主语也用it .如:
It took more than 100,000 men twenty years to build the Great Pyramid, didn't it?
(4)陈述部分是had better 固定搭配时,疑问部分应是hadn't.如:
We'd better play games now, hadn't we?我们最好现在做游戏,行吗?

1)当情态动词用时,疑问部分用 didn't.如:
They used to be good friends, didn't they?他们过去一向是好朋友,是吗?
Grandmother used to get up early, didn't she? 奶奶过去时常早起,对吗?
There used to be a station over there, didn't there?过去那儿有个火车站,对吗?
(2)陈述部分如带有have to, has to, had to 时:
1)惯常行为:用do, does, did,构成have to, has to, had to 的疑问部分.如:
We have to work from 8:00 a.m. to 5:30p.m, don't we? 我们得从上午8:00工作到下午5:30,是不是?
2)在特定场合:用have, has, had,构成have to, has to, had to 的疑问部分.如:
I have to work thisafternoon, haven't I?我今天下午得去工作,是不是?
(3)need, dare 的用法:
1)当实义动词用,疑问部分要用do 的某一形式.如:
He dared to ask the teacher many questions, didn't he?他敢向老师提许多问题,对吗?
You needn't do that when your son is here, need you? 你儿子在这里时,你不必做那事,是不是?
(1)如陈述部分的主语是不定代词everyone, someone, no one等词,疑问部分的主语常用they ,有时也可用he.如:
Somebody borrowed my bike yesterday, didn't they?昨天有人借了我的自行车,对吗?
(2)如陈述部分的主语为不定代词something, everything等及指示代词this, that 时,疑问部分的主语用it.如:
Nothing could make him give in, could it?什么也不会使它屈服,是吗?
(3)如陈述部分有 no, nobody, few, seldom, nor, nither…nor, too…to等表示否定意味的词时,疑问部分要用肯定式.如 :
He is neither a teacher nor a worker, is he?他既不是老师,也不是工人,对吗?
No one here can dance, can they?这里没有人会跳舞,对吗?
(4)当陈述部分含有由 un, in , im, il, ir 等否定前缀构成的派生词时,虽意思是“不”,但疑问部分仍要用否定式.如:
She dislike it, doesn't she? 她不喜欢它,是吧?
(5)当 neither…nor, both…and 连接陈述部分的两个主语时,疑问部分的主语常用复数代词.如:
Both you and I are not wriong, are we? 你和我都不错,是吗?

(一)祈使句是肯定式,表示“请求”,疑问部分要用will you?;若表示“劝导”“邀请”时,疑问部分要用won't you ;也可用 can't you ,含有责备或不耐烦之意.如: Shut up, can't you? 闭嘴,行不行?
Come here at once, will you?立刻到这里来,好吗? Stop talking, won't you?别说话,好吗?
(二)如祈使句是否定式时,疑问部分只能用 “will you?”.如:
Don't look out of the window, will you?别向窗外看,行吗?
(三)以Let me 的祈使句,疑问部分可用 “will you ?”或“may I? ”如:
Let me have another try, will you? 让我再试一次,行吗?Let me do the job, may I?.可以吗?(四)以Let us (不包括对方在内)的祈使句,疑问部分用“will you? ” 如:
Let us go shopping, will you?让我们去买东西,行吗?
(五)以 Let's (包括对方在内)的祈使句,其疑问部分用“shall we? ”.如:
Let's go out for a drive, shall we? 咱们出去兜风吧,好吗?
(一)从句是that引起的宾语从句( that 在常省略),附加疑问应对陈述部分的主句提出.如:
He said nothing except that he was all right, didn't he? 他除了说他很好之外,其他什么也没讲,对吗?
(二)当陈述部分主句的主、谓是 I (We) think(believe, imagine, expect, feel 等)加 that 引导的宾语从句时,疑问部分的主语(代词)和动词要与从句的一致.如:
I think there is something wrong with the washer, isn't there?我想洗衣机出了毛病,对不对?
We don't suppose he cares, does he? 我想他不在乎的,对吗?
(注:think, believe, imagine 等表示揣测,信念,愿望之类心理活动的动词+that 宾语从句时,务必注意这些动词具有否定转移的现象.)
(三)当陈述部分是It (This, That或其他表示时间的名词+ be+the+first time(month 等)+that 从句(that 可省)时,疑问部分与主句的主语和谓语保持一致.如:This is the third time he has left home, isn't it?Tomorrow will be the secondtime that I have had to have my TV set repaired again, won't it?
(一)当陈述部分的主语是从句、不定式(短语)、动名词等时,疑问部分的主语一律用it .如:
Whether they will come or notdoesn't matter too much, does it?(主语从句作陈述句的主语)
Packing the suitcase has taken up a whole moring, hasn't it?(动名词短语作陈述句的主语)
To learn aforeign languag well in such a short timeisn't easy, is it?(不定式短语作陈述句的主语)
We must redouble our efforts, or we'll not be able to catch up with the others, will we?

You must work hard next term, mustn't you ?下学期你应该努力学习,对吗?
We must go at once, needn't we?我们必须立刻走,是吗?
(3)表示推测,其疑问部分必须与must 后面的主要动词相呼应.如:
You mustknow the answer to the exercise, don't you?你一定知道这项练习的答案,是不是?
That mustbe your bed, isn't it? 那一定是你的床,是吗?
You musthave left your bag in the theatre, haven't you? 你一定是把包落在剧场了,是不是?Aunt Liu must have got to the U.S.A. yesterday, didn't she? 刘大婶昨天准是到了美国了,对不?
②表示否定表示推测时,否定式通常不是must not ,而是can't (cannot).如:
He can't have been to your home; he doesn't know your address, does he?
We mustn't be late, must we?(may we?)我们不可以迟到,是吗?
(一)如陈述句have 作“有”解时, 疑问部分在美国英语中用 do的某一形式;在英国英语中用have 的适当形式,如:
She hasmoney withher, doesn't she?(美英)她身边有钱,对吗?
He hasn't any friends in London, has he? (英英)他在伦敦没有什么朋友,对吗?
(二)陈述部分用不定代词one作主语时,疑问部分在美国英语中用 he ,在英国英语中仍用one,如:
One should love his country, shouldn't he?(美英)任何人都应该爱国,对吧?
(三)陈述部分带有情态动词ought to时,附加疑问部分在美国英语中用should ;在英国英语中仍用 ought,如:
The boy ought to be praised, shouldn't he?(美英)这男孩应该受到表扬,是不是?
We ought to read the book, oughtn't we? (英英)我们应当读这本书,对吗?
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