you say you wanna die
cuz the things don't work out right
but you don't even try
though neither do i
and neither do my friends
though some of them pretend
and it's easy if you cry
cuz you feel bad for yourself
i think about my friend who died
and how her kids didn't get to say goodbye
though neither did i
no neither did i
but neither did my friends
though some of them pretend
it's easy if you cry
cuz you feel bad for yourself
if you pretend everything's fine
i won't hurt myself or lie
to you or mom or dad
just pretend that i'm not sad
and we'll work everything out
even all the stuff we don't talk about
it'll be easier if we cry
we'll feel bad for ourselves
it's supposed to snow tonight
i hope the forecast is right
cuz in the morning i'll sit in til i'd like
and if it snowed outside it'd feel so nice in here
人气:273 ℃ 时间:2020-04-02 09:40:47
简单的说这首想要表达的就是:“我真的不知道说什么.”“你不是不会说话,而是一味想把自己封闭起来.”you say you wanna die你曾说你想离去cuz the things don't work out right 皆因世事不如你所愿but you don't ...
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