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2 古往今来,尽管人生虚无的悲论如缕不绝,可是劝人执著人生爱惜光阴的教诲更是谆谆在耳.两相比较,执著当然比悲观明智得多.悲观主义是一条绝路,冥思苦想人生的虚无,想一辈子也还是那么一回事,绝不会有柳暗花明的一天,反而窒息了生命的乐趣.不如把这个虚无放到括号里,集中精力做好人生的正面文章.既然只有一个人生,世人心目中值得向往的东西,无论成功还是幸福,今生得不到,就永无得到的希望了,何不以紧迫的心情和执著的努力,把这一切追求到手再说?
人气:339 ℃ 时间:2020-01-26 13:20:38
1. I love to Linden in the woods like leaves: I know, in winter when the trees change, time will change the leaves. I love the希刺克厉夫below the long-lasting like the same rock: Although it looks to you is not happy, but this is necessary for happiness. Nelly, I was希刺克厉夫! He will always be in my heart. He is not as a fun and not necessarily on my own than I am also some more interesting, but as my own existence.
2 Since ancient times, despite the sad life of nothingness palygorskite if not absolutely, but Quanren perseverance of life cherish the teachings of time is more earnest in our ears. Two-phase, the perseverance of course, is much more sensible than pessimistic. Pessimism is a dead end, Mingsikuxiang life of nothingness, or would like to have it all their lives one thing, never a way out of the day, instead of stifling the life of fun. As this nothingness into brackets, do a good job in life to focus on the positive article. Since there is only one life, the eyes of the world yearning for something worthwhile, regardless of success or happiness, and this life are not, never have the hope, why not in the mood urgent and persistent efforts to get this all the pursuit of repeat »
3. When Jane Eyre said "we are equal, I am not without feelings of the machinery", as I understand the women's self-esteem when Peiduo Fei said: "If it for free, both can throw," I understand the As the value when Wang Bo said that "the memory friend, Tianya a distant land near", I know the value of a friendship when Napoleon said, "When the generals do not want the soldiers is not a good soldier," I struggle to understand the significance when Confucius said: "I must be three lines division Yan," I understand the need for a modest when Fan Zhongyan "to the world to show concern and worry, to enjoy oneself music", I know the man's responsibility.
4. I was impressed by the scenes described by the author at the time of those buildings, those extravagant symbol of the power of the church, people do not know they can have their own ideas, and to their aspirations can be doing everything in the name of the sacred Religion, all the sacred name of the church to show, displaying architectural aesthetics of the home, which is the individual talent, or show their ability, I think the people at that time, humanity deeply buried in a sacred religious Below the cloak, a typical figure is Fu Zhujiao - Claude. Since many of the complex of buildings without the rules, we can easily see, when people's mind is what kind of suppression, how manic, who generally like mushroom emerge from the underground church spires, is a twisted soul of the people Cangtian to do this in front of silent Aihao!
5. Churches there are so ghastly acts of terror, people think of this in the Zhelan religion, then what kind of society is dirty and corrupt, Lee's use of religion to the religious and create the bloody incident, formed a strong sensory stimulation. Throughout all this under control, people's hearts to experience the profound confusion, confusion, and anxiety, if a sharp sword, you will do to you the full-punctured it kept in the community over the clouds It is the shadow of evil,
You it is full of anger and contempt, like the inside of those vagrants were treated frenzied retaliation for the community. But you can not, because if you want to tingling those evil, you will have to represent Lee in the overthrow of God, it is very cruel things ah! There are more than the sad nature of the loss of Mody!
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