> 英语 >
(1)he innovatively put forward an idea that replacing the feedback loop with two current mirrors.这里的replacing用得对不对?
(2)As the amount of data obtained from mobile phones,which is functioned as the information to determine the traffic condition,is large.这句话好像显得头重脚轻,该如何改看起来舒服点呢,另外data好像是复数,amount 和后面的which is 的is用得正不正确呢?
(3)his ability of self-conducting on project这个写的心里好没底,是不是应该改一下?
(4)there is no prerequisite courses regarding Quantum Mechanics or materials are arranged before this course.这句话是不是出现了两个谓语了
人气:426 ℃ 时间:2020-04-09 16:59:40
1、这里用的不对.句子成分分析可以帮助理解.应该改为:【He 主语】【innovatively put forward谓语】【 an idea 宾语,定语从句先行词】【that( replaced定语从句的谓语) the feedback loop with two current mirro...
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