On Friday afternoon a judge sentenced lawyer Mickey Mantle to 24 hours
in jail for contempt.Mantle had just won a lawsuit against a man who had
struck Mantle’s client.The client had accidentally spilled a diet soda
onto the defendant’s new sneakers,so he broke the client’s jaw.The
judge sentenced the defendant to two years in jail for assault and battery.
But after handcuffing the defendant,the sheriff’s deputy also
handcuffed Mantle.“What the heck do you think you’re doing?” Mantle
人气:111 ℃ 时间:2020-01-26 08:46:04
星期五下午,法官因为蔑视而判处律师MickeyMantle拘留24小时.Mantle刚刚赢了一场诉讼,一个人袭击了Mantle 的辩护人.辩护人恰巧把苏打粉撒在了被告的新运动鞋上,所以他就打伤了原告的下颚.法官以袭击和斗殴的罪名判处...
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