Remarkable changes are taking place in the arena of mobiletechnologies,and the worldwide push toward 3 generation services is currentlyat the forefront of these transformations.Many questions surround the conceptof 3G – not only in terms of what it means and what services it will offer,butalso in terms of how to get there,which standard will be dominant,how long itwill take to deploy,and whether it will be as lucrative as expected given thecurrent rush of exorbitant spectrum fees.
This case study is designed to examine some of these questions about3G from the analytical perspective of predecessor 2nd generation technologies,and specifically that of GSM in Europe.The successful development anddeployment of GSM over the past two decades is most significant,if one is toaccept the hypothesis that ‘experience counts’ in the mobile arena.3rdgeneration mobile technologies must,after all,in some way be the result of anevolution from pre-existing 2G systems,whether this is because they are developedfrom overlays on 2nd generation systems,or because operators deploying themmust leverage pre-established 2G infrastructure or customer bases.The two arein many ways inextricably linked,and therefore examining one necessarilyimplies looking at the successes/shortcomings of the other.
人气:223 ℃ 时间:2020-07-05 09:15:47
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