> 英语 >
You go to work at eight.
It's April 27th.
I am talking about the film.
I go in for basketball.
I have caught a bad cough.
My uncle will take bus No.5.
I am writing with my old pen.
My sister began to learn English three years ago.
It's about two miles from my home to the library.
Tom has two pieces of paper.
I haven't any ink.
The sthdents study English for the country.
I'll be back in a few minutes.
Zhang Hong is 1.60 meters tall.
This rope is 20 meters long.
This elephant is one hundred weight.
I have been to Beijing three times.
笔直地站着,可以说( );恭敬地站着,可以说( );长时间站着,可以说( );坚定不动摇地站着,可以说( ).
1、有恒心,有毅力,坚持不懈.( )
2、只顾眼前,得过且过.( )
3、超出同类之上.( )
4、思想一致,共同努力.( )
5、理由正确充分,说话的气势很盛.( )
雪中送炭( ) 成千盈百( )
三.在一个比例里,两个内项互为倒数,其中一个外项是3,另一个外项是( ).
有一个长方形,如果将长延长12厘米或宽延长9厘米,那么面积都增加72平方厘米,原来长方形的面积是( )平方厘米.
把一个长方体的宽增加2厘米后,就变成一个棱长是10厘米的正方体,原来长方体的体积是( )立方厘米.
有a、b两数,如果b数增加5,则与a数相等,且此时两数的积比原来两数的积多74,b原来是( ).
把一根长20分米的圆柱形木料,截成2根同样的圆柱体,结果表面积增加18.84平方分米.若把其中的一根旋成体积最大的圆锥体,圆锥体的体积是( )立方分米.
人气:231 ℃ 时间:2020-06-01 03:14:23
What's the time that I go to work?
You go to work at eight.
What's the date?
It's April 27th.
What are you talking about?
I am talking about the film.
What are you going to do?
I go in for basketball.
What's wrong with you?
I have caught a bad cough.
Which NO.bus will your uncle take?
My uncle will take bus No.5.
Whose pen are you writing with?
I am writing with my old pen.
When did your sister begin to learn English?
My sister began to learn English three years ago.
How long from your home to the library?
It's about two miles from my home to the library.
How many paper dose Tom have?
Tom has two pieces of paper.
Do you have some ink?
I haven't any ink.
Why do the students study English?
The sthdents study English for the country.
What's the time will you come back?/ When will you come back?
I'll be back in a few minutes.
How many meters is Zhang Hong?/ How long is Zhang Hong?
Zhang Hong is 1.60 meters tall.
How long is the rope?
This rope is 20 meters long.
How many kills is the elephant?
This elephant is one hundred weight.
How many times have you been to beijing?
I have been to Beijing three times.
笔直地站着,可以说(立正 );恭敬地站着,可以说(垂手而立 );长时间站着,可以说(立定 );坚定不动摇地站着,可以说(毅立 ).
1、有恒心,有毅力,坚持不懈.(持之以恒 )
2、只顾眼前,得过且过.( )
3、超出同类之上.( )
4、思想一致,共同努力.( )
5、理由正确充分,说话的气势很盛.( )
雪中送炭( ) 成千盈百( )
三.在一个比例里,两个内项互为倒数,其中一个外项是3,另一个外项是( ).
有一个长方形,如果将长延长12厘米或宽延长9厘米,那么面积都增加72平方厘米,原来长方形的面积是( )平方厘米.
把一个长方体的宽增加2厘米后,就变成一个棱长是10厘米的正方体,原来长方体的体积是( )立方厘米.
有a、b两数,如果b数增加5,则与a数相等,且此时两数的积比原来两数的积多74,b原来是( ).
把一根长20分米的圆柱形木料,截成2根同样的圆柱体,结果表面积增加18.84平方分米.若把其中的一根旋成体积最大的圆锥体,圆锥体的体积是( )立方分米.
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