1:I am a doctors
2:He is a teacher
3:They like playing the guitar
4:She plays the game well.
5:We went to Beijing last week
6:He read the book yesterday
7:Jim was a naughty bay
8:They were friends
9:She is doing her homewok now
10:We are making a cake
11:Li Lin going to Zhejing next wrek
12:She will warry Jahn
人气:431 ℃ 时间:2019-08-19 21:45:25
1.I am not a doctor.are you a doctor?yes I am .No,I'm not.2.he isn't a teacher.Is he a teacher?yes,he is.no,he isn't.3.they doesn't like playing the guitar.do they like playing the guitar?yes ,they do...您能改成特殊疑问句吗?求您了,帮帮忙吧!1.what's your job?2.what's your job?3.what are their hobbies?4.who plays the game well?5:where did you go last week?6:what did he do yesterday.7:what is jim like?8:what's their relationship?9:what is she doing?10:what are you doing11:where are lilin going?12:whom will she marry?谢谢了,不过我想要的是: 特殊疑问词+一般疑问句你能举个例子么比如:Li Lin is going to zhejiang next werk改:Where are Li Lin going to zhejiang next werk?这个。。。这样的句子是错误的。。。好吧,那算了,谢谢
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