有一个英文句子 说in the modern world,as the pace of our life speeds up,we are at the ed...
有一个英文句子 说in the modern world,as the pace of our life speeds up,we are at the edge of losing the art of enjoying leisure and relaxation when hurring to and back from work,competing for well-paid jobs,striving to make more money,trying hard to promote.问问这句子语法结构,when hurring…是什麽成份啊,这翻译成中文太复杂了
人气:403 ℃ 时间:2020-03-13 16:11:31
when引导的是时间状语啊 译为:当今社会,随着我们生活节奏的加快,在我们忙于上班下班,为一份更高的薪酬争得头破血流,为赚越来越多的钞票终日劳苦,使出浑身解数让自己得到晋升的时候,我们就快要失去欣赏闲暇和放松的艺术了!
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