> 英语 >
人气:415 ℃ 时间:2020-03-23 05:39:21
Note agent with the seal of technology is under pressure,temperature in the park or by adjustment,blocked or rebuild seal leakage,the methods to process,stop the maintenance system plays an enormous role.There are some plugging technology not only inefficient,and difficult to adapt to the complex conditions.Therefore,specific leakage developed rapidly and effectively plugging technology has important practical significance.
This paper note agent type sealing technology subject background materials are reviewed,and introduces the note agent type sealing source of subject,subject and practical significance.Through the contrastive analysis of the note agent selected sealing technology flange design scheme of leakage.Introduces the note agent type sealing work process.In addition,it introduces the material selection of equipment,the principle of the flange,seal leakage and fixture design,dynamic analysis of flanges flanges leak sealing method choice,the influence factors of the sealing,improve injection agent type sealing method of success.Finally introduces the use of technology,equipment maintenance,maintenance and repair,and some application examples.
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