人气:103 ℃ 时间:2019-10-05 20:00:02
作为一名母语是中文,专业也是中文的学生.现在分享一些学习中文的方法.针对刚开始学习中文的或者中文水平较差的外国朋友. 有三个关键点:兴趣,积累,练习首先,兴趣是最好的老师.学习中文一定要有兴趣,这是学好中文的关键所在.找出你喜欢做的事.比如你喜欢,看电视,你可以看些带有英文字幕的中文电影.喜欢和朋友交流,你可以交一些中国朋友,用中文来和他们交流.等等.第二,要有持之以恒,每天有一定的积累,但不能太着急.没有输入,就没有输出.在保证不会太枯燥的情况下,每天学习一些中文字或者词组.然后想办法把刚学会的字和词组用起来,比如用这些字和词组和中国朋友聊天,这样会产生兴趣,避免枯燥,帮助记忆.持之以恒,效果会很好.如果中断学习,后面再学习时,效果会很差.第三,不要怕犯错误!不要怕闹笑话.不要太在意语法.如果会很认真的去学习语法,这样学习中文就太枯燥,很多外国人就因此放弃了学习中文.想说就说,增加了练习的机会,这样会提高很快.第四,培养一个中文的环境!我们知道,在外语环境里学外语,效果是最好的,因为练习的次数多,记忆效果好,而且不会产生枯燥.如果你不能来中国,就通过网络和中国人进行交流.相信你用以上方法进行实践,你学习中文就能进步很快.谢谢. my mother language is Chinese.and my major in Chinese.so i share some of methods of how to learn chinese.this article is for the person who has learn Chinese for short time or some foreigners who is poor in Chinese.i point out three key method :interest,input,practice.first,interest is the best teacher.if you want to be good at Chinese,you must bring up your interest of learning Chinese.interest can help you fight against whit dull.find something you like to do.for example.you like to watch TVso you can watch some Chinese TV with your mother language caption.if you like to chatting ,you can using Chinese to chatting with Chinese throughth internet,or by other ways.second.you must insist on studying.no input,no output.so you must learn some chinese character or phrase every somedays.after studying,it is better to use the character you have learn to write some chinese article ,or chatting wiht chinese.so you can not forget the character or phrase. do not stop learn for long,and learn continue to learn .if so,it almost impossible for you to be good atChinese.but i advise you that not to learn too more by one time of learning Chinese.if so ,you may be feel dull.and then stop to learn Chinese.third.do not afraid to make mistake.do not afraid make joke.do not be too care with grammar.if you are too care with the grammar ,it will be too dull.to do practice everytime ervrywhere you want to practise chinese.remember that if you want to be good at chinese ,you must do more pratice.the last.creat a chinese environment.as we know.the best way to learn chinese is to creat a chinese environment.because it has more pritise chance,less dull,and you can remember what you study for long times,may be all your life.so many foreigners come to china for studying.but if you can not come to china ,you can use the internet ,or some other ways.i hope that you can use the methods to learn chinese.so you can make greate progress by using less time.thank you for you reading.