英语填空 有分
1.In the school lunchroom,both boys and girlsone another out of
the way.
(Suggested first letter(s):el )2.She smiled graciously and confidently as sheher way through the
(Suggested first letter(s):el )3.Her experience is clearly offor pupils with writing
(Suggested first letter(s):sig
)4.Jenny hoped that she would avoidby wearing dark glasses
and a hat.
(Suggested first letter(s):re )5.Theof language habits is in itself not enough for
the true mastering of a language.
(Suggested first
letter(s):ac )6.now permits short hair for women,but it used to be thought
(Suggested first letter(s):Co )7.A nurse has many duties toin caring for the sick.
(Suggested first letter(s):fu )8.He made a promise that he would certainly
not rest until he hadhis responsibility.
(Suggested first letter(s):fu
)9.He is not the right person for the project,
as he is not very technically minded,and,he does not have the sense of
(Suggested first letter(s):fur
)10.He is very proud of whatever he does; he
likes to feel wanted and.
(Suggested first letter(s):ap )11.Your knowledge of the issues and your
diligence in pursuing them to ensure protection of the natural environments is
greatly admired andby us all.
(Suggested first letter(s):ap
)12.The teacher suggests that the writingwas too complicated for
the students to use.
(Suggested first letter(s):de
)13.If wecarefully,we'll be able to afford a new
(Suggested first letter(s):bu )14.He wanted to make sure that thewould be spent to best
(Suggested first letter(s):bu )15.He is the best one so far; there is no one
(Suggested first letter(s):re )16.That health insurance provides fortreatment and related
(Suggested first letter(s):ac )17.Similarly,family structures,relationships,
members are widely variable between different religious groups in
(Suggested first letter(s):in )18.She looked at 100 village plans andthem one by one
according to the requirements.
(Suggested first letter(s):
ass )19.The duty of the management is tothe business,including
the pricing policy of the business.
(Suggested first
letter(s):con )20.What he gave is his opinion,when he is asked who he will vote
for he gives a fact.
(Suggested first letter(s):wh )

11.appreciated 12.Description(not sure)13.budget14.budget15.replace16.accident treatment(not sure)17.Intelligence(Not sure)18.assessed19.conduct20.Whereas很明显国内的考试内容.误人不浅...