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Book 2 Modules 5-6参考答案及部分解析参考答案(第6期)3190

1-5 BBDCB 6-10 DDCCA
11-15 BCADA 16-20 BCDAC
21-25 DBADB 26-30 ABCDC
31-35 ACBCA 36-40 DDBCC
41-45 ABCAC 46-50 ABBAC
51-55 EFGBD
56. He looked for a job.
57. It had a flat tire. / Its tire was broken.
58. To help others. / To provide assistance for those in need.
59. She felt surprised and thankful.
60. She left the change for the waitress.
61. ... missing on her left foot. on → in
62. ... she has competed ... has → had
63. I thought of she ...去掉of
64. ... my minds raced as ... minds → mind
65. So before I could ... So → But
66. I couldn't believe! believe后加it
67. ... appears particular weak. particular → particularly
68. ... been giving a head start. giving → given
69. ... he said ...he → she
70. ... tried hard than others!hard → harder
One possible version:
“Clear Your Plate” Campaign
Every year Chinese people throwaway enough food which can feed 20million people for one year. The wasted food is worth hundreds of billion yuan.
People often go to restaurants to treat guests. They always order more than they need as a way of showing respect or generosity to guests. There are other occasions where some people order much more food than they can eat because they will not be paying the bill.
Personally, I think measures should be taken to prevent such behavior. Firstly, people should become aware of the importance of saving food and the shame of wasting food. Secondly, if customers can’t eat the food ordered, they should pay extra. Thirdly, customers can pack up what is left on the plates. Thus, we can build an environment-friendly society.
1. B.play a part 扮演角色;success 意为“成功的人或事”时,为可数名词,故用a.
2. B.由would you please keep quiet 及I want to listen 可知应用进行时,且weather report 与broadcast之间为被动关系,故选B项.
3. D.逗号后是非限制性定语从句,修饰先行词novels,故用which.
4. C.题意:既然(Now that)你已经确定了目标,你就要尽全力实现它.
5. B.the boys 与count 之间为逻辑上的主谓关系,且此处count 与were lying同时发生,故用counting作伴随状语.
6. D.can 表示可能性.题意:这条路比较窄而且车辆比较多,所以有时可能会拥堵.
7. D.由Waiter, may I have the bill 可知发话者要结账,故用in total(总共).in addition 此外;in short 简言之;in turn轮流地.
8. C.由he was interested only in his research 可知“他不在意(care about)别人的看法”.
9. C.由语境可知,spend 所表示的动作发生在interviewed 之前,是“过去的过去”,故用过去完成时.
10. A.根据I'm sure you'll learn something useful 可知应答者赞赏发话者的决定,故用Good for you(不错啊).It's a crazy idea 那是一个疯狂的想法;You can't be serious 你一定是在开玩笑;Oh, come on 得啦,算啦.
11. B.根据上文的a boat trip 和下文的an ordinary tourist trip 可以判断,作者应该是去“观看(see)”沙袋鼠.
12. C.联系上下文可知,这个地区应该是一个野生动物生存的地方.船长Macca 应该对当地的“野生动植物(wildlife)”非常了解.
13. A.根据文意可知,船长Macca 实际上也是这次旅行的向导.游客应该对他的知识“很感兴趣(curious)”.
14. D.根据转折副词however 可判断,本空的形容词应该是与ordinary 相反的.故选D.
15. A.根据下文的in the distance 可知,这只小沙袋鼠距离人们很远.它在一个裂缝里挤着,从远处看起来应该是一个“点(spot)”.
16. B.这位游客指给Macca 看,然后Macca 就“发现(noticed)”了这只小沙袋鼠.
17. C.根据下文的fallen into the water可推断,小沙袋鼠应该是不慎从岩石上“滑落(slipped)”水中的.
18. D.落入水中之后,它应该是“往上爬(moved up)”,然后挤到了裂缝里.
19. A.联系本段语境可知,这句话的意思应该是:“如果(if)”它再次落入水中,它也不会游泳.破折号后面的部分解释了它在裂缝中挤着的原因.
20. C.小沙袋鼠处境危险,Macca 应该是“轻轻地(gently)”把它抱起来.
21. D.它从水中爬到裂缝中,身上一定湿漉漉的.Macca 用毛巾帮它“擦干(drying)”.
22. B.联系上文可知,Macca是船长,他救起小沙袋鼠之后,应该继续开船.他的妻子负责“接管(took over)”对它的照料.
23. A.这次旅行就是为了观看沙袋鼠,Macca 的妻子“允许(allowed)”游客们观看这只小沙袋鼠.
24. D.根据最后一段的... the towel 可知,小沙袋鼠卧在了“毛巾(towel)”里.
25. B.Macca的妻子不让游客们摸小沙袋鼠是因为人的触摸会让它沾上人的气味,沙袋鼠妈妈可能会“抛弃(reject)”它.
26. A.根据上下文语境可知,游客们都“非常喜欢(impressed with)”这只小沙袋鼠.
27. B.it 指代的是上一句提到的沙袋鼠洞穴.Macca“拿开(removed)”毛巾,小沙袋鼠就跳进洞穴中消失了.
28. C.小沙袋鼠安全了,大家的心情都“放松了(relief)”.
29. D.根据上文提到的“This,” he said, “is the baby of a female ... the gorge”可知,这只小沙袋鼠是一只母沙袋鼠的孩子.那么“很快(Soon)”它们就会团聚了.
30. C.通读全文可知,本文主要讲的是一个“营救(rescue)”小沙袋鼠的故事.
31. A.推理判断题.根据第一段的The beetle felt pity for the rabbit and begged the eagle not to kill the poor creature 可知,甲虫同情野兔的处境,恳求老鹰不要吃掉野兔.故选A.
32. C.细节理解题.根据第二段的Then he entered and rolled the eagle's eggs out, breaking them one by one 可知,甲虫把老鹰的蛋都滚到巢外摔碎了,老鹰不知道是谁干的,只好把巢建得更高些.故选C.
33. B.推理判断题.根据第三段的Jupiter told him that the beetle broke his eggs and that his complaint was not without good reasons 可知,Jupiter认为甲虫对老鹰的控告不是没有道理.故可推断,Jupiter 认为甲虫的报复行为是可以理解的.
34. C.推理判断题.通读全文可知,是老鹰的残忍招致了甲虫后来对他的报复.故选C.
35. A.推理判断题.根据第二段可知,奥康纳担任法官的第一年,受到很多人的质疑.因此她当时的工作很有挑战性.
36. D.词义猜测题.根据后面的or the vote ... on a ruling 可知,swing vote 指的是,当其他八位法官就同一项裁决的意见出现均等对立时,起决定性作用的那一票.
37. D.细节理解题.由文章最后一段的..., it is her status as a woman for which she is most remembered 可知D项正确.
38. B.写作目的题.本文介绍了美国一位成功的女法官桑德拉·戴·奥康纳.
39. C.细节理解题.根据第一段的a scarred black veteran struggling daily with the way people look at him可知,Reuben 老师脸上有疤痕,整天为人们怎样看待他而苦恼.故选C.
40. C.推理判断题.根据第一段的...Trevor McKinney, takes the assignment to heart ... because he likes Reuben and begins to think maybe his mom would too 和第二段的... Reuben and Arlene. The unit ...maybe give him a dad 可知,Trevor 如此在意这次课外作业是因为他希望Reuben老师能够成为他的父亲.
41. A.推理判断题.根据最后一段的his project snowballs into a national phenomenon with no end in sight 可知,他的这个助人计划像滚雪球一样在全国展开,而且会不断延续下去.因此这个计划的影响是巨大的.
42. B.体裁推断题.由最后一段The book is a quiet, steady masterpiece, with an exciting ending 可知,本文应该是一篇书评.
43. C.细节理解题.根据第一段的Fully 72% of all teens are text-messagers. That is a sharp rise from the 51% of teens who were texters in 2006 可知,2006 年到现在,用手机发短信的青少年比例增长了21%.
44. A.细节理解题.根据用手机打电话这个柱形图可知,有42%的14 岁孩子用手机打电话.
45. C.细节理解题.用手机发短信这个柱形图的右边有:54% All teens.故选C.
46. A.推理判断题.根据文章最后一句话44% of black teens and 35% of Hispanic teens use their cell phones to go online, compared with 21% of white teens 可知,有一些青少年不用手机上网.
47. B.细节理解题.根据第一段可知,头球可能让即使没有经历过脑震荡的足球运动员的大脑发生变化.故选B.
48. B.细节理解题.根据第二段的but a new study ... look at how even blows to the head ... may lead to brain injury 可知,这项研究主要探索常规的大脑碰撞和脑损伤之间的关系.
49. A.推理判断题.根据倒数第三段Bazarian 所说的的If players are damaging their brains, it is a large public health issue because everyone, even at a young age, hits their head like this 可知,他认为这项研究可能具有重大意义.
50. C.标题归纳题.本文报道了一项医学研究结果:足球运动员常规的头球也会让他们的大脑发生变化.C项标题准确地概括了文意.
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