later,i found a group that members stayed and contacted regular.I began to have a sense of belonging and a better understanding of my position and task.moreover,they share information to me for helping me better of understanding both on topic and souces.it is my experience which relate to norning stage.
人气:396 ℃ 时间:2020-04-30 08:10:39
Later,I found a group of which members stayed and contacted regularly.I began to have a sense of belonging and a better understanding of my position and task.Moreover,they shared information to help me understand better both on topic and souces.It is my experience which is related to norning stage.
恩 改动有点大,不过我觉得这样能够更好.首先 第一个句子里 如果是定语从句,用that得缺成分,不缺,这里就得用 of which,regularly是副词.
share 本来是跟with的,这里,为了更简洁明了,用to不定式,这里是改动比较大的,见谅啊.
be relatede to.
恩 不好意思哈 为了更符合英语习惯,就改动大了些,不过觉得语言还是不错的,加油啊!
- 急需战争故事的成语10个,名人名言5则,战争故事1则,诗歌2首,人物形象2个
- 已知一个多项式与3x2+9x的和等于3x2+4x-1,则这个多项式是( ) A.-5x-1 B.5x+1 C.-13x-1 D.13x+1
- 45人到校园除草.一块地的面积是70平方米,另一块地是90平方米,如果按面积大小分配人数,这两处应分配多少
- 英语翻译
- 有一个密封的长方体水箱,从里面量的宽是5分米,箱内水的高度是6分米,如果将水箱向后推倒,以它的后面为底面,这是箱内水的高度是多少分米?
- 在马路上的窖井盖子的形状往往是圆形的,为什么要这样设计
- (5a的3次方+10a的2次方b的3次方)除以( )=a+2b
- 找规律填数 1/4,-4,4/9,-9/4,9/16,(),(),()