> 其他 >
on their
all the time worrying什么意思?
Look,John,i konw you love the city but,well,we don't often go out and use it,do we?So i was thinking perhaps if we moved to the country.I mean we'd get more money out there.Think of the children.They could actually walk to school,hmm?Not take that horrible underground.I do hate them using the underground.It'd be cheaper,woundn't it?And well,the air is much cleaner and therefore much more relaxing.They could play.We wouldn't have to be on their backs all the time worrying.And think of you,you wouldn't have to drive to work.You could get the trainand do some work on the train so therefore you can play with the children in the evening.Oh ,think about it,please?
人气:256 ℃ 时间:2019-10-11 21:38:24
前面的on one's back是“卧病,卧床不起;不能自助”之意,这句话得有上下文才能判断到底是什么意思.此处应该就是本意,“在他们背后”.其实这句话就是“我们就不需要在他们背后一直操心”,中文里也是这么说的.
后面的all the time是“一直”之意,worrying跟all the time没有关系,它是伴随状语,表示一直担心的一种状态.
有问题请追问.专家您好,我已经补充了上下文,请帮我看一下好吗?我已经回答了呀~你没看到吗?补充上下文之后,可以看出,on one's back在此处应该就是本意,“在他们背后”。其实这句话就是“我们就不需要在他们背后一直操心”,中文里也是这么说的。后面的all the time是“一直”之意,worrying跟all the time没有关系,它是伴随状语,表示一直担心的一种状态。
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