> 英语 >
We can learn all we need on the Internet
I agree with this idea,especially on the subject of learning English.In my class.there are 45 students,and our English lessons last for 50 minutes. That means that we each have one minute of our teacher's time!Our English teacher is excellent,but she can't help everyone in the class in 50 minutes.
It would be much better if we spent the time working on a computer.There are 45 computers in our school,so we could do that,If we work independently,we can learn much nore.And we can learn about the subjects that we are interested in
人气:403 ℃ 时间:2020-09-20 08:49:12
我同意这个观点,特别是在英语学习科目上.我们班,有45个学生.我们的英语课50分钟长.那意味着每个学生只得到老师1分钟的时间.我们的英语老师很棒,但她不可能在50分钟的时间帮助这45个学生的每一个人.如果我们能花时间在电脑上学习,那就会好很多.我们学校有45台电脑,所以我们可以做到.如果我们独立学习,那可以学到更多.而且,我们可以学所有我们感兴趣的科目.Mobile Phone Use China Gets Bigger and Bigger!In April 2002,the number phone users in China reached 167 million。At this point ,China passed the US to become the largest mobile phone market in the world。The number of mobile phone users in China is expected to reach 500 million by 2007在帮忙翻译下这个把!亲中国用的手机变得越来越大2002年4月,中国用手机的人数达到167000000,从这时起,中国超过美国,成为世界上最大的手机市场。到2007年中国的手机使用者数量预计达到500000000.
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