for sale的中文意思
人气:110 ℃ 时间:2020-04-13 05:53:08
利用担保物,以及在买方可自由决定的范围内就买卖的定单或方式作出指示 The goods that our shop purchased before the price adjustment are still for sale at low prices.\x0d本店对调价前的这类商品,仍旧贱卖.Agent must carry stocks of Manufacturer’s products for sale within the said territories and may fix the resale price thereof.\x0d代理商必须存有厂商产品以便在上述地区内销售,并可决定它们的转卖价格.The agar foods for sale at this food shop are of striking But not vulgar colors.\x0d这家食品店的琼脂食品,色彩夺目,迥然不俗.